My week in omens:
- Handle broke off car door in my hand
- The following podcasts played consecutively -
- phenomenology of Hegel
- Being and Identity in 'Fight Club" and "the Game"
- Radiolab "In the Dust of This Planety
- Star Trek episode "Spectre of the Gun" discussion
- Descartes meditations: What can we know?
- Marc Maron interviews Ru Paul, discusses identity and being
} All of these have to do with
unknowableness and the meaningless
of existence (or our perception of it)
and what to do about it
- At drawing night, I was practicing hand drawing and inadvertently drew the Sistine Chapel's hand of God
- My horoscope this week first apologized to me then predicted: "Deep sexy darkness and sexy brilliance are conspiring to bring you intriguing pleasures that will educate the naive part of your soul"
In an unknowing way, I can perceive the intent of these omens, these markers. They are first , a verification of all that I believe through experience and induction. They are second, a challenge that I have been preparing for. They are third, a promise that the thing or experience I think I will lose is actually a poor copy of what I could gain. When meaning is stripped and abandoned, then meaning becomes solely my responsibility and I'll only know it through living.
My dark sexy offering run dull. I took the indigo ink and turned it into my well. Burned, and spurned it there in my womb. The faded image of me turned to a blank page in which to write a guide to life upon. I give myself unto the life you inspire upon. I give myself and my loins unto you. Unto her.